Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blog Readers

Being a complete novice in the world of blogging, today's assignment was a big "huh?".

Blog readers. I had never heard of them before and after reading The 10 Best Feed Reader Apps for RSS, News and More The article offered many different types but I went with one that was free, user-friendly and that would function well on iOS.

My choice was Feedly

It was fairly simple to link blogs I follow. Tumblr pages can also be linked using Feedly.

The interface of the site was pretty straightforward on both my Macbook and on my iPhone.



Some of the blogs I chose to follow are people I already currently follow on Twitter. Although it may seem redundant I wanted to compare what ways would be better be updated on these people I follow.

John Schu has many ties to the school library world. He is currently an Ambassador for school libraries for Scholastic. He posts quite often. His posts are often about new books coming out soon or ways to integrate new literature in fun ways to children.

Gwyneth Jones is a school librarian and also a keynote speaker and blogger. She updates often and incorporates a lot of technology in her activities, bringing true meaning to the words "library media center". Her blog is usually where I refer to when in need ideas for library science assignments or for using technology (in the class since I'm not yet in the library). 

Tiffany Whitehead is a school librarian, international blogger and blogger as well. She offers a lot of suggestions for librarians to use for themselves so they can become more proficient, updated and organized in their area. She also refers to online resources for school librarians (or students like me) can use to stay current on school library trends.

The next two blogs are ones I just started to follow recently and not on Twitter like the previous ones stated.

The site refers itself as an "open access, open peer-reviewed journal". It is run by past and current librarians internationally and from different types of libraries. I started reading up on them a few days ago and I have seen some really well-written articles that are tailored to issues that school libraries are facing.

This Tumblr account combines a mix of a everything. I'm fairly new with the website but from a few of the articles I did see were reviews from other school district's libraries as well as lectures by other authors . 

Can't wait to use Feedly a bit more and see if I make a permanent switch from some of my other social networking apps.


  1. I also was new to the blogging world and found myself going "down the rabbit hole" in a sense. I was spending so much time trying to find quality blogs to add to my blog reader. I also chose The Daring Librarian and Mighty Little Librarian. I found both blogs had great ideas!

  2. I also like the simple user interface of Feedly on my MacBook and iPhone.

  3. In the Library with a Lead Pipe sounds like an interesting find. I like the idea of being able to see what international librarians are up to as well. I also love the clue reference in the name of the blog! haha! I did find several international blogs in my own searching, but none that were current, so I will definitely give that one a look see.

  4. Mr. Shu reads and The Daring Librarian are two of my favorite blogs. Mr. Shu blog speaks to the elementary librarian while The Daring Librarian reaches out to the older students. Thank you for sharing the website "In the Library with a Lead Pipe."

  5. I enjoyed your comments and explanations of who you follow and why. I am a beginner with blogging too. I believe I will follow Mighty Little Librarian too.
